Pin-up Portraits
These paintings and drawings feature alternative pin-up models painted on reclaimed floorboards or drawn on textured paper. For this project I selected poses from photo shoots on that resembled figures in Italian Renaissance art. Use of recycled materials is intended to add to the juxtaposed nature of the paintings—beautiful pin up portraits with catholic symbolism on old recycled beat up and scratched floorboards peppered with nails, staples and glue.
@Brisen, oil on floorboards, 24x32 in. Available
@Annior, oil on floorboards, 24x32 in. SOLD
@Nefka, oil on floorboards, 24x32 in. Available
@Dainty, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. Available
@Alicii, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. Available
@Hazee, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. Available
@Liryc, oil on floorboards, 24x32 in. Available
@Valkyria, oil on floorboards, 24x30 in. Available
@Willowlay, oil on floorboards, 24x30. SOLD
@Sabreaphenix, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. Available
@Naiki, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. Available
@Lanadelrave, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. Available
@Narove, oil on floorboards, 24x30 in. Available
@Marlene, oil on floorboards, 24x30 in. SOLD
@Mariko, oil on floorboards, 24x32 in. Available
@Eydis, oil on wall panels, 40x30. Available
@Natashalegeyda, charcoal on gessoed paper, 16x20 in. SOLD
@Ninette, oil on panel 12x12 in. Available